Aunt Betty [Teta Beta]

Posts Tagged ‘Shabby Technique’

Cute animals and shabby technique/Slatke životinje i shabby tehnika

In Uncategorized on June 14, 2012 at 12:53 pm

Today I have two cards to share. The first one is made for a little girl that I heard is in a hospital. I made this bright card with Jane’s Doodles cute animal stamps.

[Danas imam dvije karte. Prvu sam napravila za jednu djevojčicu za koju sam čula da je u bolnici. Napravila sam joj vedru kartu s ovim slatkim životinjicama koristeći Jane’s Doodles set štambilja.]

On my next card I applied shabby chic technique on a brown peace of paper. Recently I made my very first shabby chic chest (read more about it here) and now I wanted to make a matching card. For the inspiration I used two challenges: The Shabby Tea Room and Card Patterns.

[Na svojoj drugoj karti primijenila sam shabby šik tehniku na smeđem komadu papira. Nedavno sam po prvi puta napravila kutijicu u tom stilu (o tome više možete čitati ovdje) i sada sam htjela napraviti odgovarajuću kartu. Kao inspiracija poslužila su mi dva izazova: The Shabby Tea Room i Card Patterns.]