Aunt Betty [Teta Beta]

Author Archive

Finally Here/Konačno ovdje

In Uncategorized on June 11, 2012 at 8:29 pm

Hi! After a long day I am finally posting my card and some winners for the giveaway I recently had. Today I played with some buttons, die cuts and layers. It was fun. The outcome is quite different. 😉

[Lijepi pozdrav! Nakon dugog radnog dana konačno postam današnju kartu i imena pobjednika mog prošlog darivanja. Danas sam se igrala gumbima, izrezanim oblicima i slojevima. Rezultat je nešto malo drugačiji od uobičajenog. 😉]

My card is inspired by [Karta je inspirirana]: Embellish, Retro Sketches.

And, at the end, let me share three names of the ladies (from the blog and my Facebook profile) that won some prizes: Besida, Tina Fi and Paula Bagarić. Ladies, send me an email or a message via Facebook so I can pack some goodies for you. 🙂

[I, na kraju, ove tri dame (s bloga i Facebook profila) osvojile su nagrade: Besida, Tina Fi i Paula Bagarić. Moje dame, pošaljite mi neki email ili poruku preko Facebooka pa da vam pošaljem vaše nagrade. 🙂]


Do not forget, in a couple of days there will be a big blog hop. It will last for five days and you will be able to see all the new Craft’s Meow stamps. Among those stamps is the very first stamp set I made for them.

[Ne zaboravite, za nekoliko dana počinje veliki blog hop. Trajati će nekoliko dana i moći ćete vidjeti sve nove Craft’s Meow setove. Među njima je moj prvi set koji sam napravila za njih.]

All White/Potpuno bijela

In Uncategorized on June 9, 2012 at 7:23 pm

Hello! While I was making chocolate muffins I got an idea for this card. The sun was already gone so the photos are not very satisfying but I hope you like it.

[Pozdrav! Dok sam radila kolače, dobila sam ideju za ovu kartu. Sunce je već zašlo pa mi slike nisu najbolje ispale, no nadam se da vam se karta sviđa.]

Inspired by [Inspirirano]: Case Study, Flourishes.

A Red Rose/Crvena ruža

In Uncategorized on June 8, 2012 at 7:38 pm

I am quickly stopping by to share my card. Tomorrow I have so many things to do and on sunday my friend is getting baptized. We are so busy with the planing and thankful to our Lord for all that will happen this weekend. I have to go back to work. Thank you for stopping by.

[Brzinski postam ovu kartu. Sutra imam toliko toga za napraviti, a u nedjelju organiziramo krštenje jedne moje prijateljice. Stvarno imamo puno toga za napraviti, no zahvalni smo Bog za sve što će se odvijati ovog vikenda. Sad jurim nazad na posao. Hvala da ste navratili.]

Inspired by [Inspirirano]: Colour Q, Mojo Monday.

Green, purple and grey/Zeleno, lilasto i sivo

In Uncategorized on June 7, 2012 at 6:35 pm

Today I made this card using the Waltzingmouse Sketch and colros from the CR84FN Challenges. I was playing around with my materials and realized that I have no purple papers. There was nothing else for me to do but to make my own. And then I combined them with some Echo Park papers. After cutting everything, and stamping with some Waltzingmouse and my own stamps, I have added some buttons and gems. Check out the challenges where I have linked the card. They are really fun and it would be a great loss for you if you would not try and play along.

[Danas sam napravila kartu koristeći nacrt s Waltzingmouse stranice i boje s CR84FN izazova. Igrala sam se materijalima i shvatila da nemam pošteni lilasti papir. Nije mi preostalo ništa drugo nego napraviti svoj vlastiti. Iskombinirala sam ih s Echo Park papirima u pozadini. Nakon što sam sve izrezala i što sam poštambiljala dijelove s Waltzingmouse i Teta Beta štambiljima, dodala sam gumbe i sjajne ukrase. Skoknite do stranica na kojima sam povezala svoju kartu. Njihovi su izazovi zaista zabavni i bila bi prava šteta da ne probate zaigrati.]

Big white flower/Veliki bijeli cvijet

In Uncategorized on June 6, 2012 at 4:05 pm

I am stopping by to share my today’s card. These days I am working hard designing stamps for TCM and finally I had some time to make this card with a Bible verse.

[Navraćam kako bih postala današnju kartu. Ovih dana naporno radim na štambiljima za TCM i danas sam konačno našla malo vremena da napravim ovu kartu s biblijskim stihom.]

Inspired by [Inspirirano]: Cas-ual Fridays, Retro Sketches, Stampin Sisters in Christ, Crafty Friends.

Yesterday’s workshop/Jučerašnja radionica

In Uncategorized on June 2, 2012 at 10:02 am

Yesterday I had a workshop in Megacolor Hobby Shop. It was great as always. For the first hour miss Vesna showed us a so called shabby chic technique. I was not expecting it, but I got to do it too. Usually I do not make anything on my workshops, rather I only demonstrate how to do something and help others. We did some painting, added some wax and some more paint. Than we got to the other part of the workshop where I came in with all the papers, dies and stamps. During that part I did not have the chance to finish my wooden chest so I did that later at home. For a long time I was looking at my little chest and realized that I just want to do something simple and elegant. I added some pearls (that took most of the time) and made some flowers using Spellbinders Scalloped circles.

[Jučer sam uživala na radionici u Megacolor trgovini. Pričala sam kajkavski, a to radim samo kod kuće. Sad znate kako je dobro bilo. Prvi je sat gospođa Vesna pokazivala tzv. shabby chic tehniku. Nisam to očekivala, no čak sam i ja morala odraditi tu tehniku na svojoj kutijici. Obično na radionicama koje vodim ne radim ono što je tema, već pokazujem i pomažem prisutnima. Malo smo bojali, nanosili vosak, pa opet malo bojali. Zatim smo došli do drugog dijela radionice gdje sam ja uskočila s papirima, nožićima i štambiljima. Tijekom tog dijela nisam imala prilike završiti svoju kutijicu pa sam to učinila kasnije kod kuće. Dugo sam gledala u svoju kutijicu i ustanovila da želim napraviti nešto jednostavno i elegantno. Tako sam dodala nešto bisera (to je trajalo većinu vremena), a od Spellbinders Scalloped krugova sam napravila cvjetiće.]

If you did not had the chance to visit my blog yesterday and did not hear my happy news, or did not take part in a giveaway, follow this link.

[Ako jučer niste imali prilike posjetiti blog i pročitati moju sretnu vijest, ili niste još komentirali da biste osvojili poklon, posjetite ovaj link.]

A new chapter/Novo poglavlje

In Uncategorized on June 1, 2012 at 1:41 pm

Today I have some good news. A month ago a new chapter began in my craft life. I got the opportunity to make some stamps for a company outside Croatia. If you follow my blog and check out the challenges and stamps I am using, I am sure you know about the Craft’s Meow Stamps. Well, very soon, they will start selling the first set I designed for them. I encourage you to visit The Craft’s Meow store, check out their Facebook page and join us soon for a blog hop during this month that will show some new stamp sets. I am really thankful that God led me these years and brought on my path some very nice ladies who helped me a lot (especially my dear friend Nina). It is a great honor and pleasure to be a part of the Craft’s Meow team.

[Danas imam dobre vijesti. Prije nekih mjesec dana u mom krafterskom životu započelo je novo poglavlje. Dobila sam priliku napraviti neke štambilje za tvrtku izvan Hrvatske. Ako slijedite moj blog, natjecanja koja posjećujem i štambilje koje koristim, poprilično sam sigurna da znate za tvrtku The Craft’s Meow. Oni će uskoro započeti prodaju prvog seta koji sam napravila za njih. Predlažem vam da posjetite njihovu web stranicu, njihov Facebook profil, te nam se pridružite tijekom ovog mjeseca u blog hopu koji će pokazivati nove setove štambilja. Zaista sam zahvalna Bogu da me ovih godina vodio i na moj put doveo neke drage dame koje su mi zbilja puno pomogle (naročito moju prijateljicu Ninu). Velika mi je čast i zadovoljstvo biti dio Craft’s Meow ekipe.]

The card I have made is inspired by the Case Study Challenge (the sketch) and by the Play Date Cafe Challenge (the colors). I used my papers, Celebrating You and Simply Delightful stamp sets.

[Karta koju sam napravila je inspirirana Case Study izazovom (nacrt) i Playe Date Cafe izazovom (boje). Koristila sam svoje papire, Celebrating You i Simply Delightful setove štambilja.]

At the end, as I mentioned yesterday, I invite all those from Croatia and surrounding countries to leave comments here or on the same status on my Facebook page because I have three little presents to give to three randomly chosen people (the shipping for other far countries is just to much for me and I hope my bloggers from other countries will understand that). The winners will be posted here on June 11. Thank you for all the support.

[Na kraju, kao što sam jučer spomenula, pozivam sve vas iz Hrvatske i okolnih zemalja da ostavite svoje komentare ovdje ili na odgovarajućem statusu na mom Facebook profilu, jer imam tri mala poklona za tri sretna dobitnika (poštarina za ostale zemlje je zaista velika, pa vjerujem da će blogeri iz tih dalekih zemalja imati razumijevanja). Dobitnici će biti objavljeni ovdje 11. lipnja. Od srca vam hvala za vašu podršku.]

Extremely excited/Ludo uzbuđena

In Uncategorized on May 31, 2012 at 5:07 pm

Hello! I am stopping by to share my card. I also have to say that tomorrow I will have an exciting post. Finally I will share some good news that I had to keep as a secret. Since I am all happy and crazy I am pretty sure there will be some giveaway (for those that have Croatian address or address from the surrounding countries – the shipping is really too high for other countries so please, do not hold that against me). My card is simple but it was fun to make it, as always. I used my stamp (sentiment) and my favorite Craft’s Meow stamp. Thank you for all the love that you leave here. See you tomorrow!

[Dobar dan! Tu sam na kratko kako bih postala svoju kartu. I, moram najaviti da ću sutra imati jedan uzbudljivi post. Konačno ću moći s vama podijeliti onu dobru vijest o kojoj sam već ranije pričala, a koju sam do sada morala čuvati u tajni. Budući da sam sva sretna i ludo uzbuđena poprilično sam sigurna da ću sutra imati neko darivanje (za sve one koji imaju adresu u Hrvatskoj ili susjednim zemljama – ostali, molim vas, nemojte zamjeriti jer je poštarina jednostavno previsoka). Moja je današnja karta jednostavna, no kao i uvijek, bilo ju je zabavno raditi. Koristila sam svoj štambilj (sentiment) i svoj omiljeni Crat’s Meow štambilj. Hvala vam za svu ljubav koju ostavljate na mom blogu. Vidimo se sutra!]

Inspired [Inspirirano]: Colour Q, Card Patterns.

Blue, white and mostly pink/Plavo, bijelo i uglavnom ružičasto

In Uncategorized on May 29, 2012 at 6:29 pm

Hello people! Today I did not went to work. I caught some bug. At first I was feeling seek and now I feel exhausted since I did not eat anything for the whole day. I just tried not to work a lot and still not to lie down in bed the whole day. I decorated this notebook using my papers, the Edgeabilities, the Craft’s Meow Stamp and some other supplies. I was in a mood for some experiments. 🙂

[Danas nisam bila na poslu. Uhvatila sam neki zanimljiv virus. Isprva mi je bilo dosta mućno, a sada se osjećam zbilja iscrpljeno jer nisam cijeli dan ništa jela. Trudila sam se ne previše umarati, a opet nisam htjela cijeli dan provesti u krevetu. Tako sam ukrasila ovu bilježnicu koristeći svoje papire, Edgeabilities nožiće, Craft’s Meow štambilj i još ponešto materijala. Bila sam razpoložena za malo pokusiranja. :)]

Before you leave, let me just tell you that I will have some great news around Friday to share. Come back soon and celebrate with me.

[Prije nego odete, dozvolite mi da najavim da ću oko petka konačno moći s vama podijeliti neke sretne vijesti. Navratite i radujte se sa mnom. :)]

Inspired by [Inspirirano]: Retro Sketches, Crafty Friends Challenge, The Shabby Tea Room.

A card and some strawberries/Karta i jagode

In Uncategorized on May 27, 2012 at 6:58 pm

Hello! I had some free time today and made this bright card. The weather was nice so I decided to take the photos of the card in front of the house where we have some strawberries. I hope you had a great weekend too. 🙂

[Lijepi pozdrav! Danas sam uhvatila malo slobodnog vremena i napravila ovu kartu vedrih boja. Vrijeme je bilo lijepo pa sam odlučila kartu slikati ispred kuće gdje imamo malo jagoda. Nadam se da ste i vi imali lijep vikend. :)]

Inspired by: Embellish, Waltzingmouse.